Synthesis Digital Library Update June, 2015

Yu-Ting Chen, Jason Cong, Michael Gill, Glenn Reinman, and Bingjun Xiao
University of California, Los Angeles
Synthesis Lectures on Computer Architecture

Feicheng Ma, Centre for Studies of Information Resources, Wuhan University, China
Synthesis Lectures on Information Concepts, Retrieval, and Services

Christian Tominski, University of Rostock
Synthesis Lectures on Visualization

Soung Chang Liew, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Lu Lu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shengli Zhang, Shenzhen University
Synthesis Lectures on Communication Networks

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Publishing sector has the lowest level of illegal downloads in the entertainment industry, notes UK survey
Publishing sector reportedly has the lowest level of illegal downloads in the entertainment industry, with book piracy at half the rate of copyright theft in film and music. For publishers, fresh from winning a landmark ruling forcing internet service providers to block illegal ebook download sites in Russia and the US, pirates are the enemy. Research commissioned by the government shows that that the literary world has the lowest level of illegal downloads in the entertainment industry.

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Thieme and the American Association of Neurological Surgeons publish Neurosurgery Knowledge Update: A Comprehensive Review, an up-to-date board review guide for neurosurgeons
Medical and scientific publisher Thieme and the American Association of Neurological Surgeons recently published the Neurosurgery Knowledge Update: A Comprehensive Review, which claims to be the most up-to-date board review guide for neurosurgeons. It features actual cases, over 300 high-quality illustrations and images, clinical overviews, and a question and answer section that mimics the ABNS exam format.

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E-library project led by NGO Electronic Information for Libraries transform scholarship in Myanmar
An e-library project led by the international NGO Electronic Information for Libraries (EIFL) is providing instant access to resources across all disciplines for unlimited number of students to use the same book or journal at the same time. For over a year now, 166,000 students and 4,000 academic staff at seven universities in Myanmar have had round-the-clock access to more than 10,000 scholarly journals and 130,000 academic books.

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ICIS adds CFR northeast Asia price assessment to Asian phenol price report
ICIS, an information service provider for the chemical industry, has enhanced its Asia phenol price report by adding a CFR (cost & freight) northeast (NE) Asia price assessment, to better reflect current trading patterns and give a vital benchmark for industry players operating in the region. By adding CFR NE Asia prices to the report, ICIS has widened its geographical pricing coverage, offering increased transparency of deals for exports out of China to growing markets, Taiwan and South Korea.

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New global initiative to create sustainable educational ecosystem giving engineering students access to diverse, rigorous and low-cost teaching materials
ARM, a registered trademark of ARM Limited, has launched a new university alliance partnership that allows industry partners to develop high quality teaching materials based on their own technologies for engineering students around the world. The hardware and software kits will be centered around ARM teaching materials and will offer the most up-to-date professional-standard platforms and tools.

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Webinar: “Actual Results May Vary”: A Behavioral Review of Eco-Driving for Policy Makers

 “Actual Results May Vary”: A Behavioral Review of Eco-Driving for Policy Makers
Thursday July 30, 2015 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM PDT
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Please join us for the upcoming webinar on Thursday, July 30th from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. PDT entitled “Actual Results May Vary”: A Behavioral Review of Eco-Driving for Policy Makers. 
The webinar will feature a presentation from  Ken Kurani and Angela Sanguinetti of the Institute of Transportation Studies at the University of California, Davis. Our speakers will address how driver behavior has largely been treated as random error to be eliminated from fuel economy policy, but that precedent is now changing. The presentation will provide a summary of eco-driving research on passenger vehicles, and the implications of this research on designing effective policy interventions that achieve both fuel savings and greenhouse gas emission reductions.
Following the short presentation will be a Q & A session with the participants.
The webinar builds upon the soon-to-be-released white paper from the National Center for Sustainable Transportation entitled: “Actual Results May Vary: A behavioral Review of Eco-Driving for Policy Makers”.
Laura Podolsky, Policy Director
National Center for Sustainable Transportation
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Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

BioMed Central launches checklist to improve reproducibility of studies published in its journals
Open access publisher BioMed Central has launched a pilot checklist to improve the reproducibility of studies published in its journals. The checklist has been produced according to NIH guidelines for reporting preclinical research. It addresses three areas of reporting: experimental design and statistics, resources, and availability of data and materials.

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University of Salford selects integrated solution from Arkivum and Figshare to meet research data management requirements
Arkivum, the provider of ultra-safe and secure, long-term, large-scale digital data storage and archive services has announced that University of Salford has selected an integrated solution from Arkivum and Figshare in order to meet its research data management requirements. University of Salford’s new solution enables staff, students and researchers to meet funding-body requirements for open access to data while providing a secure, long-term space for a wide range of content.

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New Community Center offers a place online for library staff to share ideas about OCLC services, best practices
The new OCLC Community Center offers a place for library staff to connect online, share best practices, stay up to date on new product releases and contribute ideas to improve OCLC services. Introduced to user groups at the 2015 ALA Annual Conference in June, the Community Center is now available to users of WorldCat Discovery Services, WorldShare Management Services (WMS), WorldShare Interlibrary Loan, WorldShare Collection Manager, WorldShare Record Manager and WorldShare License Manager. More OCLC services will be added to the Community Center in the future.

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Blackboard partners with Skillsoft to deliver career-development content to professional learners
Education technology company Blackboard Inc. has announced a partnership with Skillsoft, a global learning content provider, to enable direct delivery of high-quality content to professional learners via Blackboard’s industry-leading teaching and learning platform. The partnership will allow Blackboard to offer learners and instructors access to Skillsoft’s vast library of rich professional training and certification content.

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ACC testifies before Senate HELP Committee on impacts of health information blocking
American College of Cardiology Informatics and Health Information Technology Task Force member Dr. Michael J. Mirro has released a statement regarding his testimony during Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee hearing on health information blocking. According to Dr. Mirro, many electronic health record vendors provide the functionality needed by the healthcare community, but also require the purchase of the specific company’s health IT products to make the elements of the EHRs fully interoperable.

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Springer content now available across ReadCube platform
STM publisher Springer has signed an agreement with publishing technology company ReadCube to enhance and increase the discoverability of its journal articles, book chapters and conference proceedings via ReadCube’s web, desktop and mobile applications. More than eight million scientific documents on SpringerLink have been indexed by ReadCube’s Discover service.
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Publications Division of the American Chemical Society announces 2016 launch of ACS Sensors journal
The Publications Division of the American Chemical Society (ACS) has announced the forthcoming 2016 publication of ACS Sensors, a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary research journal to be devoted to the dissemination of original research findings from across all areas of modern sensor science. Dr. J. Justin Gooding, Scientia professor and founding co-director of the Australian Centre for NanoMedicine at The University of New South Wales, will serve as the journal’s inaugural editor-in-chief.
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ProQuest appoints Clay McDaniel as VP Global Marketing
ProQuest has announced the appointment of Clay McDaniel as Vice President Global Marketing. In this role, he will oversee the teams responsible for the company’s comprehensive integrated go-to-market strategies, including product and field marketing, corporate communications, brand, and marketing operations. Prior to joining ProQuest, Clay was CEO and Managing Director, Global Social Media Practice for the Mediabrands Audience Platform, the digital media agency division of Interpublic Group of Companies (IPG).
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SAGE launches new OA journal, Educational Neuroscience
Academic publisher SAGE has announced the launch of Educational Neuroscience (EdN), an open access journal that explores developing brain-behaviour relationships and their implications for the science of learning, academic skill acquisition, and education practice at multiple levels of the educational systems from early childhood to higher education. Dr. Timothy Brown serves as Editor-in-Chief of the journal.
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Pensoft journals – Nature Conservation and MycoKeys – registered to be indexed by Thomson Reuters
Academic publishing company Pensoft has announced that another two of its journals – MycoKeys and Nature Conservation – are now registered to be indexed and abstracted by Thomson Reuters. Both journals are expected to receive an Impact Factor in a couple of years. The two journals are now added to: Science Citation Index Expanded; Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition; Current Contents®/Agriculture, Biology, and Environmental Sciences; Biological Abstracts; and BIOSIS Previews.
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UNLV University Libraries join HathiTrust
The UNLV University Libraries recently joined HathiTrust, a partnership of research institutions committed to preserving and providing access to digitised monographs and other materials via a shared repository. Nearly 100 HathiTrust partners bring an excess of 13 million volumes of copyrighted and public domain materials to lifelong learners worldwide.
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This is with reference to the news alert titled “Oxford University Press announces continued growth in latest Impact Factor results,” covered in the News Section of Knowledgespeak (dated July 22, 2015). It may be noted that the lead paragraph of this news article has been revised to read as: Academic publisher Oxford University Press (OUP) has announced continued growth in the 2015 Journal Citation Reports® (Thomson Reuters, 2015). OUP now has 220 titles receiving an Impact Factor, with 25 percent of journals ranked in the top 10 percent of at least one subject category… The revised version of the news item is here.
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STM publishing experts form financial advisory firm STM Advisers LLC dedicated to STM and academic publishing and scholarly communications
Scientific, technical, and medical publishing experts Joseph Esposito, Michael Clarke, and David Lamb have announced the formation of STM Advisers LLC (“STMA”), the first financial and strategic advisory firm dedicated to scientific, technical, and medical (STM) publishing, academic publishing, and scholarly communications. STMA represents clients in both acquisitions and divestitures as well as valuations and assistance with financings.

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Applications called for EBSCO Charleston Scholarship
Applications are now being accepted for a scholarship to attend the Charleston Conference through a grant sponsored by EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO). The EBSCO Charleston Conference Scholarship awards up to $1000 for conference registration and other expenses related to attending the conference.

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Oxford University Press announces continued growth in latest Impact Factor results
Academic publisher Oxford University Press (OUP) has announced continued growth in the 2015 Journal Citation Reports® (Thomson Reuters, 2015). OUP now has 220 titles receiving an Impact Factor, with 2 percent of journals ranked in the top 10 percent of at least one subject category. This reflects OUP’s position as a trusted gateway to the very best scholarly research and resources.

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IFLA, FAO and COAR to organise Sustainable Development Goals: The Impact of Access to Information on our Societies e-forum
The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and COAR, are organising an e-forum on ‘Sustainable Development Goals: The Impact of Access to Information on our Societies’ which will take place from September 7-18, 2015. The Lyon Declaration, an advocacy document being used to positively influence the content of the UN post-2015 development agenda, will play a key role in this discussion.

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RELX PLC appoints Marike van Lier Lels to its Board
RELX Group has announced that, following the implementation of its corporate structure simplification on 1 July, it is fully aligning the membership of its Boards with the appointment of Marike van Lier Lels as a Non-Executive Director of RELX PLC and RELX Group plc. van Lier Lels has been a Non-Executive Director of RELX NV since January 2010 and is a member of the joint Corporate Governance Committee of RELX PLC and RELX NV.

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Three new members set to join IOP’s Council
Three new members will join the IOP’s Council in October, having been elected in a ballot of the IOP’s membership. There were two candidates in the election for vice-president, science and innovation, and Prof. Sarah Thompson was elected. There were eight candidates for the two vacancies for ordinary members on Council, and Deborah Phelps and Neil Thomson were elected. Each will serve for four years from October 1.

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Elsevier unveils Health Library to accelerate patient education, engagement and outcomes via direct access to trusted content
STM publisher Elsevier has launched a consumer-focused Health Library designed to engage patients by facilitating access to accurate, timely, easy-to-understand content on thousands of healthcare topics and issues. The digital library, developed by the Patient Engagement group in Elsevier Clinical Solutions, helps hospitals and healthcare institutions inform and engage patients, strengthening these organisations’ credibility as a trusted healthcare resource and building long-term loyalty and commitment among patients.

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Prof. Philip Nelson elected next Chair of RCUK Executive Group
Professor Philip Nelson, Chief Executive of EPSRC, has been elected as the next Chair of the RCUK Executive Group. He will take on the role from October 1 when the current Chair, Prof Rick Rylance, steps down. Prof Nelson has been elected by his peers within the RCUK Executive Group, consisting of the Chief Executives of the Research Councils and the RCUK Executive Director.

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IFLA expresses concern over extension of copyright terms
Members of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) have expressed their concern over the recent copyright changes in Jamaica and Canada that extend the term of copyright protection. A rich public domain and fair access to copyright protected material enhances creativity and the production of new works. IFLA believes that the economic rights of the rights holder or beneficiary must be balanced with society’s need to gain access to knowledge.

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Data Conversion Laboratory announces start of second phase of Scopus Cited References Expansion Program
Data Conversion Laboratory (DCL), an industry leader in organizing and converting content into digital formats, has announced the start of the second phase of the Scopus Cited References Expansion Program. The second phase of the project is focused on converting millions of records from more of the world’s top peer-reviewed journal publishers such as the Institute of Physics (IOP) and Wiley-Blackwell.

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Suzanne Kettley joins Canadian Science Publishing as new Executive Director
The Board of Directors of Canadian Science Publishing has announced the appointment of Suzanne Kettley as Canadian Science Publishing’s new Executive Director, effective immediately. She succeeds Executive Director Cameron Macdonald who has retired after 11 years with Canadian Science Publishing.

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New Innovative Interfaces, Inc. (III) survey affirms primacy of web access and identifies key service challenges
Software company Innovative Interfaces, Inc. (III) has announced the publication of survey results from over 4,000 library users at seven academic libraries in the UK. ‘We Love the Library, but We Live on the Web – Findings around how academic library users view online resources and services (2015)’ reports on how online users interact with library-related services and what the key challenges are for libraries to meet these expectations.

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German Consortium Baden-Wuerttemberg gains access to about 2,500 electronically published journals from Elsevier
The Consortium Baden-Wuerttemberg, an alliance of the scientific libraries of the federal state located in the south-west of Germany, has signed an agreement with STM publisher Elsevier to provide 52 universities and institutions of higher education with comprehensive access to approximately 2,500 scientific journals. The agreement is valid for three years and includes many top journal titles such as ‘The Lancet’.

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Psychology Dictionary announces new marketing and distribution collaboration with UBM Medica
Psychology Dictionary has announced a new marketing and distribution collaboration with UBM Medica, a UBM Life Sciences business. First published online in 2012, claims to be the most comprehensive psychology dictionary and psychology reference resource on the Web.

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Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. set to launch new Transgender Health journal in Fall 2015
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers, has announced that Transgender Health, a new peer-reviewed, open access journal launching in Fall 2015, will deliver authoritative research and clinical studies exclusively focused on advancing the understanding of the health and healthcare issues and concerns of this unique patient population. The journal will be spearheaded by Editor-in-Chief Dr. Robert Garofalo, Professor in Pediatrics-Adolescent Medicine and Preventive Medicine, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.

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McGraw-Hill Education announces upgraded editions of SRA Open Court Reading and SRA FLEX Literacy
McGraw-Hill Education, a learning science company, has announced the expansion of two key language arts and reading programs with significantly upgraded editions of SRA Open Court Reading and SRA FLEX Literacy, to enhance the school curriculum for K-12 reading and language arts. The new editions of FLEX Literacy and Open Court Reading are available now. Flexible implementation of the programs includes digital-only, or print and digital options to accommodate all school districts in the goal of advancing students toward literacy achievement.

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OCUL releases web-based version of the OCUL Accessibly Information Toolkit for Libraries
The Ontario Council of University Libraries (OCUL) has released a web-based version of the OCUL Accessibly Information Toolkit for Libraries, previously available only as a PDF. Anyone interested in making Ontario’s academic libraries and institutions more inclusive can now more easily browse, search, and consult this important resource.

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Major repository networks agree to collaborate on data exchange, technological development, and metadata
Three major regional open access repository networks and aggregators (OpenAire, LA Referencia, and SHARE), along with the Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) and Center for Open Science (COS) met in Charlottesville, Virginia, to discuss synergies and potential areas of collaboration on July 9 and 10, 2015. The meeting revealed that the objectives, technologies and use cases for all three networks are highly aligned and that there is a strong willingness to work together.
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SAGE launches new OA journal – Journal of International Life Sciences Research
Academic publisher SAGE has launched the Journal of International Life Sciences Research (JILSR), a new open access (OA) journal dedicated to the rapid publication of high-quality articles in the form of life sciences research and review papers. Malcolm Lader of King’s College London, will serve as the Editor-in-Chief of the journal.
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CHUC partners with Plum Analytics for real-time research metrics
The Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra/Coimbra Hospital and University Centre (CHUC) in Portugal is the first hospital in southern Europe to implement PlumX, a research metrics tool from PlumTM Analytics, an EBSCO company. CHUC is using PlumX to measure and analyze the impact of its medical research, with emphasis on the online activity associated with articles published by its researchers.
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The Society for General Microbiology announces full launch of its new journal- Microbial Genomics
The Society for General Microbiology has announced the full launch of Microbial Genomics (MGen), the Society’s first fully open access journal that incorporates an open data policy. MGen publishes peer-reviewed articles that use genomic approaches to further our understanding of microbiology. The Society is waiving all article processing charges for the journal’s first year.
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NISO seeks trial users and comments on draft technical report, SUSHI-Lite
The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) is seeking trial users and comments on the draft technical report, SUSHI-Lite: Deploying SUSHI as a lightweight protocol for exchanging usage via web services, NISO TR-06-201X. This technical report proposes and describes a method of exchanging COUNTER statistics ranging from usage for a single article to a complete COUNTER report, using commonly used approaches to web services.
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Simba Information acquires Education Market Research
Simba Information, a provider of market research and analysis in educational and professional publishing, has completed its acquisition of Education Market Research (EMR). With roots back to 1968, Simba Information has been tracking the publishing industry for nearly 50 years; it currently offers 2 newsletters and several syndicated market research studies yearly covering the education publishing industry, including its authoritative annual report ‘Publishing for the PreK-12 Market.’
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Baker and Taylor completes second phase of its migration to CARL.X
Baker & Taylor, a worldwide distributor of digital and print books, has completed the second phase of its migration to CARL.X with the company’s Customized Library Services (CLS) group implementing TLC’s next generation ILS last month. With this upgrade, CLS will join Baker & Taylor’s Corporate Cataloging Services (CCS) group who have been enjoying the expanded cataloging capabilities of the CARL.X system since December 2014.
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McGraw-Hill Education acquires equity stake in global mobile language learning platform, busuu
McGraw-Hill Education, a learning science company, has taken a Euro 6 million (approximately $6.5 million) minority equity stake in busuu, the world’s largest social network for language learning with more than 55 million users. The transaction includes an agreement that will give McGraw-Hill Education exclusive global rights to distribute busuu to B2B customers, including schools, private language institutions and corporations.

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Thieme Chemistry releases ‘Pharmaceutical Substances’ version 3.8
Scientific publisher Thieme Chemistry has announced that ‘Pharmaceutical Substances’ version 3.8 is now available. This substantial new release for the reference guide includes 31 new active pharmaceutical ingredients such as Ledipasvir, that combined with Sofosbuvir allows for the first all-oral treatment of Hepatitis C infections.

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Platts acquires Petromedia
Platts, a global energy, metals, petrochemicals and agriculture information provider, has acquired Petromedia, a specialist provider of news and analysis for the shipping and oil industries. The purchase helps extend Platts coverage beyond traditional marine fuels and market fundamentals.

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PeerJ awarded the DOAJ Seal
Open access publisher PeerJ has been awarded the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) Seal. The DOAJ only awards the seal to ‘journals that adhere to an exceptionally high level of publishing standards and best practice.’ To be awarded the DOAJ Seal journals must fulfil a set of criteria related to accessibility, openness, discoverability, reuse and author rights.

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Editor-in-Chief of E&T magazine named Chair of the British Society of Magazine Editors
The Editor-in-Chief of the Institution of Engineering and Technology’s E&T magazine has become the Chair of the British Society of Magazine Editors (BSME). Dickon Ross is an award-winning journalist and becomes the first BSME Chair from the business and professional magazine sector since the position was held by the Editor of Autocar in 1981.

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