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The London Book Fair launches new Trailblazer Awards at the Society of Young Publishers annual conference in Oxford
The London Book Fair is launching the new Trailblazer Awards at the Society of Young Publishers annual conference in Oxford (#SYPConf15). The Awards will celebrate publishing professionals under the age of 30 who are demonstrating innovation and ambition in the book industry. The Awards will recognise people who are ‘roaring through their 20s’ – entry is open to anyone under 30 (as of 12 April 2016) who is making waves in the book world.

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Royal Society to investigate potential impacts and applications of machine learning in the UK
The Royal Society, the UK’s national academy of science, will start a policy project on how machine learning, the powerful technology that allows machines to learn from data and self-improve, might impact the UK society. Machine learning underpins many of the services people rely on every day, including internet search engines, email filters to sort out spam, websites that make personalised recommendations and many of the applications we use on our phones.

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Bloomsbury legal titles to be distributed via Thomson Reuters’ ProView eReader platform
Thomson Reuters and Bloomsbury Publishing have signed an agreement that will see a selection of Bloomsbury’s legal print titles distributed as eBooks through Thomson Reuters ProView, the leading professional eReader platform. Through this agreement, the two companies increase the choice of eBooks available to the legal profession and enable anywhere, anytime access to legal texts through an established eReader technology built specifically for business professionals.

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Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory elects Regeneron’s Dr. George D. Yancopoulos to its Board of Trustees
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) has announced the election of Dr. George D. Yancopoulos, Chief Scientific Officer of Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and President of Regeneron Laboratories, to its Board of Trustees. CSHL is governed by a board of trustees representing the business and scientific communities.

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