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Thomson Reuters launches version 2.4 Thomson Reuters ProView eReader platform
Thomson Reuters has announced the latest version of Thomson Reuters ProView, the professional eReader platform. The newest version provides eBook users with ways to organise their titles and search to find the professional research content they need. Thomson Reuters ProView is the first eReader platform specifically built for professional use, with advanced features such as full-text search, secured notes and highlights, and content updating.

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Authors – central to business at The London Book Fair
The London Book Fair (LBF) has announced the line up of industry experts and best-selling authors at The London Book Fair (LBF) next month (12-14 April) to share their expertise and experience on how to get published successfully, as they take part in LBF’s Author HQ seminar programme, with Kindle Direct Publishing. This is the fifth year that Author HQ, LBF’s dedicated theatre for established and aspiring writers, has hosted a three day programme of seminars especially curated to provide the knowledge, tools and insights to help writers make informed decisions about getting their work published.

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PPF reaches subscription fulfillment agreement with the Canadian Medical Association
Publisher Promotion & Fulfillment (PPF), a division of EBSCO Information Services, will provide subscription fulfillment services for the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) for its STM journals. The partnership will ensure that the needs of CMA journal subscribers are met while allowing CMA to focus on editorial aspects of its business.

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Output of science and engineering publications by the US and China has almost reached parity, reveals NSB Science & Engineering Indicators 2016
The NSB Science & Engineering Indicators 2016 report reveals that authors based in the US were responsible for 18.8% of global scientific output in 2015, while China-based authors accounted for 18.2%. This performance follows over a decade of ‘catching-up’ by China, which has seen its share of global output increase from 6.4% in 2003. The US’s share, by contrast, has decreased from 26.8% in the same period.

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Symplectic announces new additions to flagship product, Elements
Symplectic, a provider of world-leading research information management software and services, has announced a major new addition to its flagship product, Elements. The new module will allow Symplectic’s clients to design, share and report on internal & external research assessments, streamlining what were traditionally time-intensive, paper-based activities.

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HighWire Press opens new European office, adding 74 new positions
HighWire Press, Inc., the publishing technology platform provider for renowned scholarly publishers and societies, has announced that it will open a new office in Belfast, Northern Ireland, adding 74 full time employees over a three-year period. The announcement was made at a meeting with Northern Ireland’s First Minister, Arlene Foster, and Deputy First Minister, Martin McGuinness, held at Stanford University.

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Routledge appoints Dr. Ajay Manrai as new editor of the Journal of Global Marketing
Routledge, a Taylor and Francis Group, has announced the appointment of Dr. Ajay Manrai as the incoming editor of the Journal of Global Marketing beginning in 2016. Dr. Ajay Manrai is a Professor of Marketing in the Department of Business Administration, Lerner College of Business and Economics at the University of Delaware. Dr. Manrai was the President of the International Management Development Association, IMDA for 2010-12.

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Latest edition of Blogspeak now online
The latest edition of Blogspeak is now online. Featured are: Becky Bach (Open access critical for exchange of research, Stanford professor argues); David Matthews (Should academics be paid for peer review?); Emily Litvack (Open Access Causes Disruption of Status Quo); Kent Anderson (Why Is Still Struggling?); Stephen Pinfield (Enabling authors to pay for open access – The Gold Open Access market and the role of an institutional central fund.); and Rick Anderson (Library-Institution Misalignment: One Real-World Example). Blogspeak includes blog posts relevant to the publishing industry, particularly STM publishing. Subscribers are invited to participate in the latest edition of Blogspeak Here.
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