Latest Publications: UC Davis/UC Davis Medical Center

Search Alert: 94 new results
Your search alert called “UCD/UCDMC” has found 94 new results on Scopus. |  View all new results in Scopus
First 25 of 94 results
Document Author(s) Date Source Title
1 . Cell wall polysaccharides released during the alcoholic fermentation by Schizosaccharomyces pombe and S. japonicus: quantification and characterization Domizio, P., Liu, Y., Bisson, L.F., Barile, D. 2017 Food Microbiology ,
61 pp. 136 – 149 .
2 . Does infill outperform climate-adaptive growth policies in meeting sustainable urbanization goals? A scenario-based study in California, USA Thorne, J.H., Santos, M.J., Bjorkman, J., Soong, O., Ikegami, M., Seo, C., Hannah, L. 2017 Landscape and Urban Planning ,
157 pp. 483 – 492 .
3 . When machine vision meets histology: A comparative evaluation of model architecture for classification of histology sections Zhong, C., Han, J., Borowsky, A., Parvin, B., Wang, Y., Chang, H. 2017 Medical Image Analysis ,
35 pp. 530 – 543 .
4 . Vegetable behavioral tool demonstrates validity with MyPlate vegetable cups and carotenoid and inflammatory biomarkers Townsend, M.S., Shilts, M.K., Styne, D.M., Drake, C., Lanoue, L., Woodhouse, L., Allen, L.H. 2016 Appetite ,
107 pp. 628 – 638 .
5 . Cerebral amyloid is associated with greater white-matter hyperintensity accrual in cognitively normal older adults Scott, J.A., Braskie, M.N., Tosun, D., Maillard, P., Thompson, P.M., Weiner, M., DeCarli, C., Carmichael, O.T. 2016 Neurobiology of Aging ,
48 pp. 48 – 52 .
6 . Personality and individual differences in plasticity Stamps, J.A., Biro, P.A. 2016 Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences ,
12 pp. 18 – 23 .
7 . Important roles for membrane lipids in haloarchaeal bioenergetics Kellermann, M.Y., Yoshinaga, M.Y., Valentine, R.C., Wörmer, L., Valentine, D.L. 2016 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Biomembranes ,
1858 ( 11 ) pp. 2940 – 2956 .
8 . Positive Illusions in the Academic Context: A Longitudinal Study of Academic Self-Enhancement in College Chung, J., Schriber, R.A., Robins, R.W. 2016 Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin ,
42 ( 10 ) pp. 1384 – 1401 .
9 . A dual-mode framework of organizational categorization and momentary perception Elsbach, K.D., Breitsohl, H. 2016 Human Relations ,
69 ( 10 ) pp. 2011 – 2039 .
10 . From sparse to dense functional data and beyond Zhang, X., Wang, J.-L. 2016 Annals of Statistics ,
44 ( 5 ) pp. 2281 – 2321 .
11 . Dowser++, a new method of hydrating protein structures Morozenko, A., Stuchebrukhov, A.A. 2016 Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics ,
84 ( 10 ) pp. 1347 – 1357 .
12 . Characterizing blood–brain barrier perturbations after exposure to human triglyceride-rich lipoprotein lipolysis products using MRI in a rat model Ng, K.F., Anderson, S., Mayo, P., Aung, H.H., Walton, J.H., Rutledge, J.C. 2016 Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ,
76 ( 4 ) pp. 1246 – 1251 .
13 . Effective referral of low-income women at risk for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer to genetic counseling: A randomized delayed intervention control trial Pasick, R.J., Joseph, G., Stewart, S., Kaplan, C., Lee, R., Luce, J., Davis, S., Marquez, T., Nguyen, T., Guerra, C. 2016 American Journal of Public Health ,
106 ( 10 ) pp. 1842 – 1848 .
14 . Peter Hall, functional data analysis and random objects Muller, H.-G. 2016 Annals of Statistics ,
44 ( 5 ) pp. 1867 – 1887 .
15 . Cortical Auditory Evoked Potentials to Evaluate Cochlear Implant Candidacy in an Ear with Long-standing Hearing Loss Patel, T.R., Shahin, A.J., Bhat, J., Welling, D.B., Moberly, A.C. 2016 Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology ,
125 ( 10 ) pp. 858 – 861 .
16 . Abundance of volatile organic compounds in white ash phloem and emerald ash borer larval frass does not attract Tetrastichus planipennisi in a Y-tube olfactometer Chen, Y., Ulyshen, M.D., Poland, T.M. 2016 Insect Science ,
23 ( 5 ) pp. 712 – 719 .
17 . On high-dimensional misspecified mixed model analysis in genome-wide association study Jiang, J., Li, C., Paul, D., Yang, C., Zhao, H. 2016 Annals of Statistics ,
44 ( 5 ) pp. 2127 – 2160 .
18 . Optimal rates of convergence for noisy sparse phase retrieval via thresholded wirtinger flow Tony Cai, T., Li, X., Ma, Z. 2016 Annals of Statistics ,
44 ( 5 ) pp. 2221 – 2251 .
19 . Owner observations regarding cat scratching behavior: an internet-based survey Wilson, C., Bain, M., DePorter, T., Beck, A., Grassi, V., Landsberg, G. 2016 Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery ,
18 ( 10 ) pp. 791 – 797 .
20 . Nutritional Strategies in the Management of Adult Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Dietary Considerations from Active Disease to Disease Remission Nguyen, D.L., Limketkai, B., Medici, V., Saire Mendoza, M., Palmer, L., Bechtold, M. 2016 Current Gastroenterology Reports ,
18 ( 10 ) , art. no. 55
21 . Fatigue behavior and prediction of NSM CFRP-strengthened reinforced concrete beams Chen, C., Cheng, L. 2016 Journal of Composites for Construction ,
20 ( 5 ) , art. no. 04016033
22 . A high-frequency half-bridge driving circuit topology for HID lamps Pan, Y., Lin, J., Su, S., Shih, T.-M. 2016 Lighting Research and Technology ,
48 ( 6 ) pp. 771 – 779 .
23 . Effects of long-term endocrine disrupting compound exposure on Macaca mulatta embryonic stem cells Midic, U., Vincent, K.A., VandeVoort, C.A., Latham, K.E. 2016 Reproductive Toxicology ,
65 pp. 382 – 393 .
24 . A computational model predicts adjunctive pharmacotherapy for cardiac safety via selective inhibition of the late cardiac Na current Yang, P.-C., El-Bizri, N., Romero, L., Giles, W.R., Rajamani, S., Belardinelli, L., Clancy, C.E. 2016 Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology ,
99 pp. 151 – 161 .
25 . Titanium-Substituted Polyoxotantalate Clusters Exhibiting Wide pH Stabilities: [Ti<inf>2</inf>Ta<inf>8</inf>O<inf>28</inf>]<sup>8−</sup> and [Ti<inf>12</inf>Ta<inf>6</inf>O<inf>44</inf>]<sup>10−</sup> Son, J.-H., Casey, W.H. 2016 Chemistry – A European Journal ,
22 ( 40 ) pp. 14155 – 14157 .
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