Synthesis Digital Library Update September and October, 2016

Synthesis Collection Seven:

Interactive GPU-based Visualization of Large Dynamic Particle Data
Martin Falk, Linköping University, Sweden
Sebastian Grottel, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
Michael Krone and Guido Reina, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Geometric Continuity of Curves and Surfaces
Przemysław Kiciak, University of Warsaw, Poland
Web Indicators for Research Evaluation: A Practical Guide
Michael Thelwall, University of Wolverhampton, UK
Data Association for Multi-Object Visual Tracking
Margrit Betke, Boston University
Zheng Wu, The Mathworks, Inc.
Anywhere-Anytime Signals and Systems Laboratory:
From MATLAB to Smartphones
Nasser Kehtarnavaz and Fatemeh Saki, University of Texas at Dallas
Differential Privacy: From Theory to Practice
Ninghui Li, Dong Su, and Weining Yang, Purdue University
Min Lyu, University of Science and Technology of China
Embedded Systems Design with the Texas Instruments MSP432
32-bit Processor
Dung Dang, Texas Instruments
Daniel J. Pack, The University of Tennessee
Steven F. Barrett, University of Wyoming
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