Latest Publications: UC Davis/UC Davis Medical Center

Search Alert: 53 new results
Your search alert called “UCD/UCDMC” has found 53 new results on Scopus. |  View all new results in Scopus
First 25 of 53 results
Document Author(s) Date Source Title
1 . Scaling equations for the accurate prediction of CMOS device performance from 180 nm to 7 nm Stillmaker, A., Baas, B. 2017 Integration, the VLSI Journal ,
58 pp. 74 – 81 .
2 . Demonstration of reusing electric vehicle battery for solar energy storage and demand side management Tong, S., Fung, T., Klein, M.P., Weisbach, D.A., Park, J.W. 2017 Journal of Energy Storage ,
11 pp. 200 – 210 .
3 . Subducting an old subduction zone sideways provides insights into what controls plate coupling Reyners, M., Eberhart-Phillips, D., Bannister, S. 2017 Earth and Planetary Science Letters ,
466 pp. 53 – 61 .
4 . Among patients with unhealthy alcohol use, those with HIV are less likely than those without to receive evidence-based alcohol-related care: A national VA study Williams, E.C., Lapham, G.T., Shortreed, S.M., Rubinsky, A.D., Bobb, J.F., Bensley, K.M., Catz, S.L., Richards, J.E., Bradley, K.A. 2017 Drug and Alcohol Dependence ,
174 pp. 113 – 120 .
5 . Individual mental health, life course events and dynamic neighbourhood change during the transition to adulthood Brazil, N., Clark, W.A.V. 2017 Health and Place ,
45 pp. 99 – 109 .
6 . Identification of blind geothermal resources in Surprise Valley, CA, using publicly available groundwater well water quality data Fowler, A.P.G., Spycher, N., Zierenberg, R.A., Cantwell, C.A. 2017 Applied Geochemistry ,
80 pp. 24 – 48 .
7 . Low stomatal sensitivity to vapor pressure deficit in irrigated common, lima and tepary beans Medina, V., Teran, J.C.B.-M.Y., Gepts, P., Gilbert, M.E. 2017 Field Crops Research ,
206 pp. 128 – 137 .
8 . Current State of Antimicrobial Stewardship in Children’s Hospital Emergency Departments Mistry, R.D., Newland, J.G., Gerber, J.S., Hersh, A.L., May, L., Perman, S.M., Kuppermann, N., Dayan, P.S. 2017 Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology ,
38 ( 4 ) pp. 469 – 475 .
9 . Increased cytokine production by monocytes from human subjects who consumed grape powder was not mediated by differences in dietary intake patterns Zunino, S.J., Keim, N.L., Kelley, D.S., Bonnel, E.L., Souza, E.C., Peerson, J.M. 2017 Nutrition Research ,
40 pp. 32 – 39 .
10 . Area-Level Poverty and Excess Hospital Readmission Ratios Manickam, R.N., Mu, Y., Kshirsagar, A.V., Bang, H. 2017 American Journal of Medicine ,
130 ( 4 ) pp. e153 – e155 .
11 . What are the type, direction, and strength of species, community, and ecosystem responses to warming in aquatic mesocosm studies and their dependency on experimental characteristics? A systematic review protocol Guy-Haim, T., Alexander, H., Bell, T.W., Bier, R.L., Bortolotti, L.E., Briseño-Avena, C., Dong, X., Flanagan, A.M., Grosse, J., Grossmann, L., Hasnain, S., Hovel, R., Johnston, C.A., Miller, D.R., Muscarella, M., Noto, A.E., Reisinger, A.J., Smith, H.J., Stamieszkin, K. 2017 Environmental Evidence ,
6 ( 1 ) pp. 1 – 6 .
12 . Calmodulin lobes facilitate dimerization and activation of estrogen receptor-α Li, Z., Zhang, Y., Hedman, A.C., Ames, J.B., Sacks, D.B. 2017 Journal of Biological Chemistry ,
292 ( 11 ) pp. 4614 – 4622 .
13 . Responsiveness of cats (Felidae) to silver vine (Actinidia polygama), Tatarian honeysuckle (Lonicera tatarica), valerian (Valeriana officinalis) and catnip (Nepeta cataria) Bol, S., Caspers, J., Buckingham, L., Anderson-Shelton, G.D., Ridgway, C., Buffington, C.A.T., Schulz, S., Bunnik, E.M. 2017 BMC Veterinary Research ,
13 ( 1 ) , art. no. 70
14 . The acacia ants revisited: Convergent evolution and biogeographic context in an iconic ant/plant mutualism Ward, P.S., Branstetter, M.G. 2017 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences ,
284 ( 1850 ) , art. no. 20162569
15 . Previously unknown class of metalorganic compounds revealed in meteorites Ruf, A., Kanawati, B., Hertkorn, N., Yin, Q.-Z., Moritz, F., Harir, M., Lucio, M., Michalke, B., Wimpenny, J., Shilobreeva, S., Bronsky, B., Saraykin, V., Gabelica, Z., Gougeon, R.D., Quirico, E., Ralew, S., Jakubowski, T., Haack, H., Gonsior, M., Jenniskens, P., Hinman, N.W., Schmitt-Kopplin, P. 2017 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America ,
114 ( 11 ) pp. 2819 – 2824 .
16 . Enhancing studies of the connectome in autism using the autism brain imaging data exchange II Di Martino, A., O’Connor, D., Chen, B., Alaerts, K., Anderson, J.S., Assaf, M., Balsters, J.H., Baxter, L., Beggiato, A., Bernaerts, S., Blanken, L.M.E., Bookheimer, S.Y., Braden, B.B., Byrge, L., Castellanos, F.X., Dapretto, M., Delorme, R., Fair, D.A., Fishman, I., Fitzgerald, J., Gallagher, L., Keehn, R.J.J., Kennedy, D.P., Lainhart, J.E., Luna, B., Mostofsky, S.H., Müller, R.-A., Nebel, M.B., Nigg, J.T., O’Hearn, K., Solomon, M., Toro, R., Vaidya, C.J., Wenderoth, N., White, T., Craddock, R.C., Lord, C., Leventhal, B., Milham, M.P. 2017 Scientific Data ,
4 , art. no. 170010
17 . Assessing the spectral properties of sunlit and shaded components in rice canopies with near-ground imaging spectroscopy data Zhou, K., Deng, X., Yao, X., Tian, Y., Cao, W., Zhu, Y., Ustin, S.L., Cheng, T. 2017 Sensors (Switzerland) ,
17 ( 3 ) , art. no. 578
18 . Correlations between maternal, breast milk, and infant vitamin B12 concentrations among mother-infant dyads in Vancouver, Canada and Prey Veng, Cambodia: An exploratory analysis Chebaya, P., Karakochuk, C.D., March, K.M., Chen, N.N., Stamm, R.A., Kroeun, H., Sophonneary, P., Borath, M., Shahab-Ferdows, S., Hampel, D., Barr, S.I., Lamers, Y., Houghton, L.A., Allen, L.H., Green, T.J., Whitfield, K.C. 2017 Nutrients ,
9 ( 3 ) , art. no. 270
19 . Oral delivery of double-stranded RNAs induces mortality in nymphs and adults of the Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Galdeano, D.M., Breton, M.C., Lopes, J.R.S., Falk, B.W., Machado, M.A. 2017 PLoS ONE ,
12 ( 3 ) , art. no. e0171847
20 . Ledipasvir–sofosbuvir and sofosbuvir plus ribavirin in patients with chronic hepatitis C and bleeding disorders Walsh, C.E., Workowski, K., Terrault, N.A., Sax, P.E., Cohen, A., Bowlus, C.L., Kim, A.Y., Hyland, R.H., Han, B., Wang, J., Stamm, L.M., Brainard, D.M., McHutchison, J.G., von Drygalski, A., Rhame, F., Fried, M.W., Kouides, P., Balba, G., Reddy, K.R. 2017 Haemophilia ,
23 ( 2 ) pp. 198 – 206 .
21 . Maximizing the cost benefit of physics residency interview Adamson, J., Dieterich, S., Rong, Y. 2017 Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics ,
18 ( 2 ) pp. 5 – 8 .
22 . Bumblebee sonication behavior changes with plant species and environmental conditions Switzer, C.M., Combes, S.A. 2017 Apidologie ,
48 ( 2 ) pp. 223 – 233 .
23 . Increasing Rates of No Treatment in Advanced-Stage Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients: A Propensity-Matched Analysis David, E.A., Daly, M.E., Li, C.-S., Chiu, C.-L., Cooke, D.T., Brown, L.M., Melnikow, J., Kelly, K., Canter, R.J. 2017 Journal of Thoracic Oncology ,
12 ( 3 ) pp. 437 – 445 .
24 . Trametinib plus 4-Methylumbelliferone Exhibits Antitumor Effects by ERK Blockade and CD44 Downregulation and Affects PD-1 and PD-L1 in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma Cho, H., Matsumoto, S., Fujita, Y., Kuroda, A., Menju, T., Sonobe, M., Kondo, N., Torii, I., Nakano, T., Lara, P.N., Gandara, D.R., Date, H., Hasegawa, S. 2017 Journal of Thoracic Oncology ,
12 ( 3 ) pp. 477 – 490 .
25 . Prospective data from the Women’s Health Initiative on depressive symptoms, stress, and inflammation Jones, S.M.W., Weitlauf, J., Danhauer, S.C., Qi, L., Zaslavsky, O., Wassertheil-Smoller, S., Brenes, G.A., Lacroix, A.Z. 2017 Journal of Health Psychology ,
22 ( 4 ) pp. 457 – 464 .
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