Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Elsevier sign IT professorship deal to support Berlin’s digital agenda

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and information analytics company Elsevier have signed an agreement to launch an information management professorship at the university as part of the Einstein Center Digital Future. This builds on Humboldt’s existing collaboration with Elsevier in the HEADT Centre and supports Berlin’s position as a technology hub and a place for top researchers and academic excellence.

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Clarivate Analytics announces expansion of Emerging Sources Citation Index

Clarivate Analytics, formerly the Intellectual Property & Science business of Thomson Reuters, has announced the expansion of its Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) from 5,000 journal titles to over 7,500 as well as the release of a 10-year archive for this index later this year. The index expansion will increase the breadth of research within the Web of Science to 35,000 journals and offer access to an unparalleled collection of its kind.

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Author sharing via scholarly collaboration networks is widespread, despite strong support for copyright, says new survey

Kudos, the service for maximizing the reach and impact of research publications, has announced headline results from a recent survey of authors’ current sharing behaviours, carried out in partnership with 10 publishers. The survey shows that usage of scholarly collaboration networks (SCNs, such as ResearchGate and, for uploading articles is widespread, and that accessing full text content is the primary reason, ahead of finding and connecting with other researchers.

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Wiley names Guido F. Herrmann as Publishing Leader for Germany

Publisher John Wiley & Sons, Inc. has announced the appointment of Guido F. Herrmann as publishing leader for Germany. In his role at Wiley, Dr. Herrmann will be responsible for business operations in Germany and lead a substantial portion of Wiley’s global journal portfolio, with primary responsibility for titles that follow the high-impact in-house editorial model.

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Wolters Kluwer releases eight new online courses supporting the Joint Commission’s Advanced Certification in Joint Replacement

Wolters Kluwer, a global provider of information and point of care solutions for the healthcare industry, have announced the release of eight new online courses designed to help organisations with the requirements of The Joint Commission’s (TJC) new Advanced Certification for Total Hip and Total Knee Replacement. Co-developed with Joint Commission Resources (JCR), TJC’s publishing and education affiliate, these new courses complement other topics in the Lippincott Professional Development Collection developed collaboratively with JCR, including heart failure, stroke, compliance, and patient safety.

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Zoologia joins Pensoft’s portfolio of open access peer-reviewed journals

Academic publisher Pensoft and the Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia (Brazilian Society of Zoology) have announced a new partnership. Under the deal, Zoologia, one of the most prestigious scientific journals in South America, will join Pensoft’s portfolio of open access peer-reviewed journals. The journal will now feature a new look and feel, with more intuitive navigation, ensuring that the user experience for all authors, readers and editors remains as immaculate as possible at all times.

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CJK Group, Inc. acquires The Sheridan Group

CJK Group, the holding company for Bang Printing, a leading manufacturer of books, catalogues, publications and fulfillment services, has acquired The Sheridan Group headquartered in Hunt Valley, MD, including its operating divisions in Chelsea, MI, Hanover, PA, Waterbury, VT, and Hanover, NH. The Sheridan Group is a provider of print, publishing services and technology solutions to publishers, associations, university presses, and cataloguers.

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