Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

 Elsevier becomes signatory to Transparency and Openness Promotion Guidelines
The Center for Open Science has announced that Elsevier, an information analytics business specialising in science and health, is furthering its support for improving the quality of research by becoming a signatory to the Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) Guidelines. The TOP Guidelines are a community-driven effort to align research behaviours with scientific ideals. Transparency, open sharing, and reproducibility are core values of science, but not always part of daily practice.

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 Wolters Kluwer aims to fight sepsis with educational resources and technologies
Information services and solutions provider Wolters Kluwer Health, through its educational resources, guidelines and evidence-based clinical decision support (CDS) solutions, is helping clinicians improve outcomes through prevention, detection, and treatment of sepsis. Using innovative surveillance tools, healthcare organisations can now warn caregivers of patients at risk of sepsis expediting appropriate care, while minimising alert fatigue and false alerts.

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 HighWire Press to present CASA at Charleston Conference
HighWire Press, Inc., the strategic partner and platform provider for world-leading scholarly publishers and societies, will present Campus-Activated Subscriber Access (CASA), a new protocol developed by Google and implemented by HighWire, at the Charleston Conference to support off-campus authentication and streamline access to subscribed scholarly content for remote users. CASA enables Google Scholar users to see the same subscribed resources off-campus as on-campus, so that no off-campus login is necessary.

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 Peer Review Week 2017 to focus on Transparency in Review
To honour and celebrate peer review, a group of organisations is working collaboratively to plan a week of activities and events. The group has announced that the third annual Peer Review Week will run from September 11- 17, 2017.

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 Policy Press joins Aggregagent and ALPSP Collections
ACCUCOMS and Policy Press have announced the inclusion of journals from Policy Press in Aggregagent and the ALPSP Collections. Aggregagent currently holds more than 350 journals that combine to publish more than 15,000 articles annually. Policy Press claims to be a global ambassador for the University of Bristol and now sits within the newly formed Bristol University Press.

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 Open Preservation Foundation appoints Martin Wrigley as new Executive Director
The Open Preservation Foundation (OPF) has announced the appointment of Martin Wrigley as the Foundation’s new Executive Director. Martin will be responsible for working with members and the Board to develop the future strategy and enhance the Foundation’s portfolio of open source digital preservation tools.

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