Synthesis Digital Library Update

Recently Published Titles
Creating Autonomous Vehicle Systems
Synthesis Lectures on Computer Science
Shaoshan Liu, PerceptIn
Liyun Li, Baidu US
Jie Tang, South China University of Technology
Shuang Wu, YiTu
Jean-Luc Gaudiot, University of California, Irvine
186 pages | Published October 2017
This book should be useful to hardware and software engineers, students, researchers, and practitioners alike. Whether you are an undergraduate or a graduate student interested in autonomous driving, you will find herein a comprehensive overview of the whole autonomous vehicle technology stack. If you are an autonomous driving practitioner, software or hardware engineer, the many practical techniques introduced in this book will be of interest to you. Researchers and engineers will also find plenty of references for an effective, deeper exploration of the various technologies. Author Dr. Jean-Luc Gaudiot is a professor in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department at UC, Irvine. His research interests include multithreaded architectures, fault-tolerant multiprocessors, and implementation of reconfigurable architectures. He has served the community in various positions and was just elected to the presidency of the IEEE Computer Society for 2017.
Unmanned Aircraft Design: A Review of Fundamentals
Synthesis Lectures on Mechanical Engineering
Mohammad Sadraey, Southern New Hampshire University
193 pages | Published September 2017
This book provides fundamental principles, design procedures, and design tools for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with three sections focusing on vehicle design, autopilot design, and ground system design. A UAV designer must be aware of the latest UAV developments; current technologies; know lessons learned from past failures; and they should appreciate the breadth of UAV design options. This book is meant to meet the needs of newcomers into the world of UAVs. The materials are intended to provide enough information in each area and illustrate how they all play together to support the design of a complete UAV.
Individual and Collective Graph Mining: Principles, Algorithms, and Applications
Synthesis Lectures on Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Danai Koutra, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Christos Faloutsos, Carnegie Mellon University
206 pages | Published October 2017
Graphs naturally represent information ranging from links between web pages, to communication in email networks, to connections between neurons in our brains. Within this deluge of interconnected data, how can we find the most important structures and summarize them? How can we efficiently visualize them? How can we detect anomalies that indicate critical events, such as an attack on a computer system, disease formation in the human brain, or the fall of a company? This book presents scalable, principled discovery algorithms that combine globality with locality to make sense of one or more graphs.
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