Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

 Springer and Society for Mathematical Psychology to publish Computational Brain & Behavior
Springer, a part of Springer Nature, and the Society for Mathematical Psychology have launched an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal, Computational Brain & Behavior (CB&B), which draws together research from the fields of psychology, neuroscience, economics and statistics. Articles published inComputational Brain & Behavior (CB&B) are linked by a common theme of quantitative and computational approaches, and aim to foster cross-disciplinary communication. The first issue will be published online in April 2018.

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 Future Medicine’s eight Oncology Management Series of journals to convert to full open access from 2018
Future Medicine has announced that its Oncology Management Series will be following a fully open access model, from January 2018. The eight journals within the Oncology Management Series are Breast Cancer ManagementCNS OncologyColorectal CancerHepatic OncologyInternational Journal of Endocrine OncologyInternational Journal of Hematologic OncologyLung Cancer Management and Melanoma Management.

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 Frontiers forms open access publishing agreement with Queen’s University Belfast
Frontiers and Queen’s University Belfast have formed an institutional agreement for open access publishing. The library of the Queen’s University Belfast covers article-processing charges (APCs) for eligible authors affiliated with the University.

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 Royal Society of Chemistry names Paul Lewis as new Deputy Chief Executive
Royal Society of Chemistry has announced that Paul Lewis will join the organisation as the new Deputy Chief Executive (Head of House) in March. An experienced senior leader in the private and not-for-profit sectors, Paul was previously at City & Guilds where he was Executive Director, International and Strategy.

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 Louise Jones joins JSTOR’s Library Advisory Group
JSTOR has announced that Louise Jones has joined its Library Advisory Group. The group is composed of leading librarians from around the globe and provides JSTOR with guidance on strategic questions and decisions.

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 Latest edition of Blogspeak now online
The latest edition of Blogspeak is now online. Featured are: Benedikt Fecher and Tony Ross-Hellauer (Tautology, antithesis, rallying cry, or business model? “Open science” is open to interpretation); Phil Davis (Not Every Publisher Can Support A Cascade Journal); EBSCOpost Blog (The Four Stages of a Successful Library/Vendor Relationship); and Roger C. Schonfeld (Identity Is Everything). Blogspeak includes blog posts relevant to the publishing industry, particularly STM publishing. Subscribers are invited to participate in the latest edition of Blogspeak Here.
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