Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

 Elsevier to showcase its Integrated Decision Support solutions at HIMSS18
Elsevier, the information analytics business specialising in science and health, and the #1 KLAS rated vendor for Clinical Decision Support – Care Planning two years in a row, will showcase its Integrated Decision Support solutions at booths #2843 at the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) 2018 annual meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada, March 5-9, 2018.

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 Learned Publishing appoints inaugural Student Editor
The Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP) and the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) have announced the creation of a new student editor position for the journal, Learned Publishing. Serving as the inaugural student editor, Charlotte Mauti is a master’s student in publishing at Oxford Brookes University.

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 Macmillan Learning announces significant steps in learning research and design
Macmillan Learning, a premier learning solutions company, has announced significant advances in learning research and design. The company’s investment in the learning sciences reflects a deep commitment to help students, instructors, and institutions achieve more. Assessing and synthesising research in the learning sciences, distilling it into practical principles, and blending it with a user-centered approach to design presents a significant opportunity for a step-change in developing more effective learning solutions. To meet these challenges, Macmillan Learning has revealed several critical components of their program.

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 Figshare and the Genetics Society of America partner to promote data underlying publications
Figshare, an online digital repository for academic research, has announced a partnership with the Genetics Society of America (GSA). The Genetics Society of America is the professional membership organisation for scientific researchers and educators in the field of genetics. With Figshare, authors can upload any file type of any size. All supplemental material and data will now have a DOI that’s linked to the paper, and authors get to choose the type of open source license their data is published under – which gives them control over how their data is used.

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 River Valley implements ORCID to give credit to reviewers
River Valley Technologies has developed a new feature within their peer review platform, ReView, to recognise peer reviewers’ work. River Valley worked closely with ORCID to allow reviewers who use the platform to update their ORCID records automatically with their reviews. This new feature will give peer reviewers the additional facility to link their reviews back to ORCID. Once they have linked their ORCID IDs to ReView, they can simply give explicit permission for the review details to be uploaded.

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 Latest edition of Blogspeak now online
The latest edition of Blogspeak is now online. Featured are: David Matthews (Is it time to nationalise academic publishers?); Colleen Flaherty (When Journals Play Favorites); Jay Diskey (Inside the Game-changing OER Legislation for Publishers); Veronique Kiermer and Larry Peiperl (PLOS Collaborates on Recommendations to Improve Transparency for Author Contributions); and Robert MacDonald (Resist? Welcome? Co-opt? Ignore? The pressures and possibilities of the REF and impact). Blogspeak includes blog posts relevant to the publishing industry, particularly STM publishing. Subscribers are invited to participate in the latest edition of Blogspeak Here.
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