Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

 23,000 peer-reviewed articles from Dutch authors now available in open access
The Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU) has published the latest number of open access articles (covering 2017) at the international open access week. Almost 23,000 peer-reviewed articles from Dutch authors are openly available for everyone. In late 2013, State Secretary Dekker formulated objectives with regard to open access, which were then tightened in the National Open Science Plan at the start of 2017: ‘100 percent open access publishing by 2020’.

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 Oxford University Press to publish Aesthetic Surgery Journal Open Forum
Academic publisher Oxford University Press (OUP) has announced the launch of Aesthetic Surgery Journal Open Forum (ASJOF), an open access, peer-reviewed, international journal focusing on the latest developments and practical, clinical advances in aesthetic surgery and cosmetic treatments. Published on behalf of The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), ASJOF will launch in early 2019.

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 American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons launches Shoulder and Elbow Registry
The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) has announced the launch of its Shoulder and Elbow Registry (SER) to begin collecting data on total shoulder and elbow procedures in the US. At launch, the SER will collect total shoulder arthroplasty procedures data. In 2019, the registry also will have the capability to capture rotator cuff repair and total elbow arthroplasty procedures data.

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 European Cardiology Review accepted for indexing on PubMed
Radcliffe Cardiology has confirmed that the European Cardiology Review (ECR) has been accepted for indexing on PubMed Central and PubMed. Published under Radcliffe Cardiology’s ownership, all ECR articles starting from the first issue in July 2014 will now be published online in full on PubMed Central, providing greater exposure and scientific validation for the journal and providing greater access for authors’ articles amongst the global cardiology community.

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 Code Ocean joins Silverchair Universe to enhance reproducibility and momentum of research
Code Ocean, a computational reproducibility platform, has joined the Silverchair Universe, a framework for rapidly integrating complementary products and services with the Silverchair Platform. As a Silverchair Universe partner, Code Ocean is actively incorporated into the Silverchair Platform. Their widget may be easily embedded in the article page either in-line or using Silverchair’s split-screen functionality to display alongside the article text.

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 MCG Health and ZeOmega partner to offer integrated solution to enhance prior authorisations
MCG Health, part of the Hearst Health network and a provider of informed care strategies, has expanded its partnership with ZeOmega®, delivering Jiva 6.1, the end-to-end population health management platform. Together, the organisations offer a streamlined solution, MCG Cite AutoAuth integrated with Jiva from ZeOmega.

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