Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

 BMJ and UNSILO in deal to create AI-based subject collections
Healthcare knowledge provider BMJ and UNSILO have announced an agreement by which UNSILO will supply its market-leading concept extraction tools across the whole of BMJ content. UNSILO applies machine learning and AI tools to identify significant concepts from a corpus of text. These concepts form the basis of a wide range of solutions to publishing workflows, including building subject collections, identifying related articles, finding relevant journals, and many other areas.

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 AIP Publishing appoints Dr. Philippe Bouyer as Editor-in-Chief of AVS Quantum Science
AIP Publishing, a not-for-profit scholarly publisher in the physical sciences, has appointed Dr. Philippe Bouyer as the Editor-in-Chief of AVS Quantum Science, the online interdisciplinary journal it is launching this year in partnership with AVS: Science and Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing (AVS). Dr. Bouyer will lead the new journal as it fills the void for a high-impact general publication covering the rapidly evolving field of quantum science (QS).

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 National Library of Medicine launches VSAC intensional definition functionality
The National Library of Medicine (NLM) Value Set Authority Center (VSAC), with support from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), has announced the launch of intensional value set definition functionality in the VSAC Authoring Tool. Through the VSAC Authoring user interface, value set authors can algorithmically define value sets with logical rule-based Boolean clauses and hierarchy operators, leveraging the structure and hierarchies of terminologies.

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 Call for submissions open for JMIR’s special issue
The Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) is inviting submissions for a special issue of the journal that will be dedicated to blockchain for health care and biomedical science. Health care is known to suffer from siloed and fragmented data, delayed clinical communications, and disparate workflow tools due to the lack of interoperability caused by vendor-locked health care systems, lack of trust relationships among data holders, and security/privacy concerns regarding data sharing.

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 Library Consortium for Saxony renews De Gruyter e-book license
The Konsortium Sachsen (Library Consortium for the German Land of Saxony), which groups the libraries of universities, colleges and professional academies, has renewed its agreement with academic publisher De Gruyter using the evidence-based selection (EBS) model for e-books for 2019 and 2020. The agreement, which allows for access to all e-book content from De Gruyter, its imprints, as well as to the titles of most Publishing Partners, has been expanded to include a key open access component.

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 Frontiers and the University of Rostock announce institutional membership agreement for OA publishing
Frontiers and the Universität Rostock (University of Rostock) have announced an institutional membership agreement for open access publishing. Under the terms of this agreement, eligible authors from the University of Rostock and Rostock University Medical Center may publish in any Frontiers journal at no cost to the author.

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 Latest edition of Blogspeak now online
The latest edition of Blogspeak is now online. Featured are: Kaden Hazzard (Peer-reviewed physics for Wikipedia: PLOS ONE Topic Pages); Tania Rabesandratana (The world debates open-access mandates); and Chuck Dinerstein (How Do We Redirect Scientific Investigation?). Blogspeak includes blog posts relevant to the publishing industry, particularly STM publishing. Subscribers are invited to participate in the latest edition of Blogspeak Here.
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