Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

 CAS and INPI collaborate to enhance patent application examination efficiency with new AI approach
The National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) of Brazil and CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society that specialises in scientific information solutions, have initiated a collaboration to speed the processing of patent applications at INPI by improving the efficiency of the patent examination process. CAS will apply data from its human-curated content collection in a new artificial intelligence (AI) solution.

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 Marty Kahn, Chairman of Code Ocean, selected to receive the NFAIS 2019 Miles Conrad Award
The National Federation of Advanced Information Services (NFAISTM), a global non-profit membership organisation serving the information services community, has announced that Marty Kahn, Chairman of Code Ocean, has been selected to receive the NFAIS 2019 Miles Conrad Award. NFAIS’ Miles Conrad Award, long considered the information community’s premier annual honour for achievement in fostering the growth of information services, will honour Kahn during the NFAIS 61st Annual Conference, scheduled to be held from February 13 – 15, 2019.

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 Thieme Chemistry deposits about 700,000 distinct chemical structures to PubChem
Thieme Chemistry, a part of the Thieme Group, has provided approximately 700,000 distinct structures to PubChem, the open chemistry database at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). In addition to the structural information, the upload includes more than 1,200,000 distinct links from chemicals to the Thieme Chemistry journals and online product portfolio, enlarging the number of chemical structures in PubChem with links to the scientific literature.

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 ProQuest and Ex Libris expand investment in Latin America
ProQuest and Ex Libris, a ProQuest company, are expanding their commitment to their Latin American customers and users, opening three new offices in the region and hiring additional local staff. Grupo Sistemas Logicos, a distributor that has represented Ex Libris in the region, will join the ProQuest family. These investments will enable ProQuest and Ex Libris to work directly with libraries, ensuring high quality service and a smooth transition from working through distributors.

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 Prof. Tianquan (Tim) Lian named Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Chemical Physics
AIP Publishing, a not-for-profit scholarly publisher in the physical sciences, has announced the appointment of Tianquan (Tim) Lian, the William Henry Emerson Professor of Chemistry at Emory University, as the Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP), a peer-reviewed journal publishing innovative and quantitative science of long-lasting value in chemical physics and physical chemistry. JCP is part of AIP Publishing’s portfolio which includes Applied Physics LettersJournal of Applied PhysicsAIP Conference Proceedings, and other community focused peer-reviewed journals.

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