Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

 EISZ and Elsevier work towards an OA pilot agreement, Hungarian research community gain access to ScienceDirect, Scopus and SciVal
Hungarian Electronic Information Service National Programme (EISZ) and Elsevier have signed a Memorandum of Understanding and Letter of Intent, as they move towards finalizing a new innovative pilot agreement for research access and Open Access publishing in Hungary. As a result, EISZ consortium member institutions and their affiliated researchers across Hungary will now gain immediate access to ScienceDirect, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature, as well as SciVal, the research performance tool, and Scopus, the world’s largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature.

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 ConTech 2019 – Speaker insights now online
ConTech.Live has released the ConTech 2019 speaker insights. The up to date programme is now online, complete with session details including what the speakers believe you will take away from the event. Delegates will get ground-breaking insights into the biggest technical revolution to hit the content world since the birth of the internet – the intersection of data science and content. Attendees will hear from innovators, pioneers and businesses taking a futuristic approach to what they do. The event is projected as a must-attend for those in content, information or data science.

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 Emerald’s new Insight platform goes live
Academic publisher Emerald Publishing has announced that its new Insight digital research platform has gone live, following a significant investment in technology and many months of development in partnership with software development consultancy 67 Bricks. Emerald Insight has been entirely reimagined and rebuilt in collaboration with twelve leading international universities across six continents to ensure that the design makes scholarly communication easier and more engaging.

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 Routledge, Taylor & Francis announces new publishing partnership with the Oral History Association
Routledge, Taylor & Francis has announced a new publishing partnership with the Oral History Association (OHA). From January 2020, Routledge will be publishing OHA’s eminent peer-reviewed journal The Oral History Review, a publication dedicated to the theory and practice of oral history and related fields.

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 ICE Publishing and Amigos provide special pricing to Amigos members
ICE Publishing and Amigos Library Services are collaborating to provide Amigos members with special pricing across ICE Publishing’s e-books, journals and archives. ICE Publishing is a leading provider of information for researchers and practitioners worldwide in the fields of civil engineering while Amigos Library Services is one of the largest consortia of libraries in the Unites States of America. Members will now be able to choose from flexible solutions for both subscription and one-time money acquisitions.

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 Latest edition of Blogspeak now online
The latest edition of Blogspeak is now online. Featured are: Bhushan Patwardhan (Why India is striking back against predatory journals); Niamh Hardiman and Saliha Metinsoy (Evidence matters, but ideas shape policy in more fundamental ways than we might realise); Judy Luther (The Academy Mobilizes – Unizin Tackles Learning Analytics); and Rick Anderson (They Know We Know They Know: Does Sci-Hub Affect Library Subscriptions?). Blogspeak includes blog posts relevant to the publishing industry, particularly STM publishing. Subscribers are invited to participate in the latest edition of Blogspeak Here.
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