Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

 New Zealand-based Lincoln University partners with Figshare to launch institutional research data repository
Lincoln University is launching its institutional research data repository, Data@Lincoln, powered by Figshareand available on a custom domain at Among the initial datasets in Data@Lincoln is a collection of weather data recorded at Lincoln University from 1960 – 2011. Daily climatological observations have been recorded at Lincoln University since January 1881, and earlier handwritten logbooks from 1928 – 1971 have previously been scanned and made available online.

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 Stanford University Press Digital Publishing Initiative receives $1.15 million to implement phase 2 of the program
A proposal to continue the development of a digital publishing initiative at Stanford University has been awarded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Modeling how humanistic and social science research is presented and disseminated online, the Stanford University Press initiative is rethinking scholarly communication for the digital age.

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 Poultry Science Association and Elsevier announce new publishing agreement
The Poultry Science Association (PSA) has entered into a new publishing agreement with Elsevier, Inc. to publish its two scientific journals, beginning January 1, 2020. Concurrently, Poultry Science and the Journal of Applied Poultry Research will both move to Gold Open Access (OA), with all future published articles and all archived articles to be immediately shared worldwide.

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 Dr. Richard McCallum named Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Investigative Medicine
Dr. Richard W. McCallum, Founding Chair and Professor of Medicine at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) El Paso, has been named editor-in-chief of the Journal of Investigative Medicine (JIM). Dr. McCallum, who assumed his new role on July 1st, succeeds Dr. Michael J. McPhaul, who has been the editor-in-chief of JIM since 2005 and has been recognised as Editor Emeritus for his many contributions to the journal.

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 Pensoft welcomes Neotropical Biology & Conservation to its open-access journal portfolio
Open-access, peer-reviewed journal Neotropical Biology & Conservation has announced its move to the journal family of scholarly publisher and technology provider PensoftNeotropical Biology & Conservation welcomes research and review articles, short communications and commentaries on the biology and behaviour of organisms from the tropical ecoregions of the Americas and the entire South America. Special emphasis is given to papers that demonstrate the application of conservation principles for natural resource management and policy.

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