Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

 Special one day workshop to focus on the wave of activities related to making data ‘FAIR’
A special one day workshop ‘Implementing FAIR Data for People and Machines: Impacts and Implications,’ being organised for data and information professionals, information technologists, and for disciplinary scientists interested in effective data sharing, is focused on the wave of activities related to making data “FAIR” (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable). Co-sponsored by CENDI, NAS, RDA-US, and NISO-NFAIS, this workshop will provide a venue for attendees to collaborate with their peers and hear from leading experts.

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 Data Scientists are upskilling and reskilling to better understand and use AI and machine learning technologies, says new O’Reilly report
O’Reilly, the premier source for insight-driven learning on technology and business, has announced the results of its upcoming Artificial Intelligence (AI) report, ‘How Organizations are Sharpening their Skills to Better Understand and Use AI.’ The report explores the data- and AI-related topics technology experts are most interested in learning as AI adoption in the enterprise continues to grow.

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 Engineering Reports – a new broad scope OA journal
Engineering Reports is a new Open Access journal dedicated to all aspects of engineering and computer science. The journal aims to help the research community face today’s fascinating and multifaceted challenges by offering a fast route to publication and the ability to share research with the widest possible audience of engineers, scientists, professionals, and other interested people across the globe.

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 Registration is now open for the 2019 Canadian Library Assessment Workshop
The Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) has announced that registration is now open for the 2019 Canadian Library Assessment Workshop (CLAW). The event, scheduled to take place in Windsor on October 22 – 24, 2019, will be of interest to all academic and research libraries engaged in assessment.

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