Synthesis and Colloquium Digital Libraries Update

New Morgan & Claypool eBooks
Advances in Automotive Technology
Authors:  Sampo Kuutti, Saber Fallah, Richard Bowden, University of Surrey; Phil Barber, Jaguar Land Rover
Keywords: artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, neural networks, computer vision, autonomous vehicles, intelligent transportation systems, advanced driver assistance systems
Abstract: The next generation of autonomous vehicles will provide major improvements in traffic flow, fuel efficiency, and vehicle safety. Several challenges currently prevent the deployment of autonomous vehicles, one aspect of which is robust and adaptable vehicle control. > Download eBook PDF
Data Management
Authors: Xin Huang & Jianliang Xu, Hong Kong Baptist University; Laks V.S. Lakshmanan, University of British Columbia
Keywords: big data, big graphs, social networks, community detection, community search, dense subgraph, cohesive subgraph, attributed community, geo-spatial community, k-core, k-truss
Abstract: In this book, we first review the basic concepts of networks, communities, and various kinds of dense subgraph models. We then survey the state of the art in community search techniques on various kinds of networks across different application areas. Specifically, we discuss cohesive community search, attributed community search, social circle discovery, and geo-social group search. > Download eBook PDF
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