Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

 Wolters Kluwer survey looks at the changing nursing profession through the lens of practicing nurses
As the delivery of healthcare transforms from disease-based episodic care to patient and population health-centric models of wellness care, nurses are facing new pressures and priorities to deliver high quality, safer and more consistent care both at the bedside and in the community. This is according to a recent survey by Wolters Kluwer, Health in which nearly all nurse respondents indicated that more access to information that drives evidence-based decisions at the point of care would result in a significant improvement in patient outcomes.

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 Readers can now access the latest Taylor & Francis research on the go via the Researcher app
Readers can now keep track of the latest Taylor & Francis research on the go through their mobile devices, using the Researcher app. Researcher makes keeping up to date with the latest published research simple with a social media-style personalised feed. The feed displays papers and data from a pre-selected list of journals and can be customised with keywords to only display the most relevant research for you.

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 ASTM International Group approves guide for cleaning reusable medical devices
ASTM International’s committee on medical and surgical materials and devices (F04) has approved the third in a series of standards that help evaluate effective cleaning procedures for medical devices. The new guide, which focuses on the extraction of test soils to validate cleaning methods, will soon be published as F3321.

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 The Congress of Neurological Surgeons adds a new journal to its NEUROSURGERY publications suite of journals
The Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS) has announced the debut of its latest journal, Neurosurgery Open. The goal of Neurosurgery Open is to provide an outlet for the publication of scientific papers dealing with clinical neurosurgery and experimental neurosurgery, such as case series, case reports, and other information of interest to neurosurgeons. The journal is an online-only, fully Open Access publication with all content published under the Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY-NC.

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 Frontiers and Brock University announce OA publishing agreement
Open-access publisher Frontiers has announced that Brock University has established an institutional membership agreement for open access publishing with Frontiers. Brock University supports open access publishing by covering 50% of article processing charges (APCs) for corresponding authors affiliated with the University who wish to publish in any Frontiers journal.

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