Scope – Knowledgespeak: STM Industry Daily News Alert

SAGE and Sweden’s Bibsam Consortium announce transformative Open Access agreement – 

SAGE Publishing is signing a new open access publishing agreement with Bibsam Consortium, serving 42 of the member institutions including universities, university colleges, and government funded research institutions. The three-year read and publish agreement applies to all articles received and accepted from January 1, 2020 and… Read More

Nature Research Award for Driving Global Impact to focus on researchers addressing global challenges – 

Early career researchers are invited to apply for the Nature Research Award for Driving Global Impact, organised in partnership with Tencent, for the second year running. This year, the scope of the award has been broadened to reflect some of the greatest societal challenges, including research… Read More

IOP Publishing and Publons partner to tackle challenges in peer review – 

Over the next 12 months, IOP Publishing (IOPP) will be collaborating with research recognition experts Publons to address three core challenges in peer review – recognition and transparency; diversity; and efficiency. The two organisations will work together on researching, developing and implementing ways to solve these… Read More

GeoScienceWorld’s Lithosphere to run on Phenom, an open system built by Hindawi – 

Hindawi’s open source scholarly infrastructure platform, Phenom, will now power the newly relaunched Lithosphere – the society-run, open access community journal for geosciences. The contract between GeoScienceWorld (GSW) and Hindawi was signed in late 2019 with Lithosphere opening for submissions on January 13, 2020. Lithosphere has… Read More

BMJ appoints Yu-Chuan Li as new Editor-in-Chief for BMJ Health & Care Informatics journal – 

Professor Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li, a researcher of artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine and medical informatics, and a practicing dermatologist, has been appointed as the new Editor-in-Chief of BMJ Health & Care Informatics, one of more than 70 specialist journals published by BMJ. Professor Li, who… Read More

Latest edition of Blogspeak now online – 

The latest edition of Blogspeak is now online. Featured are: Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe (Revisiting — Transformative Agreements: A Primer); Robert M. Kaplan (Open science, publishing, and public research support: Could Trump have it right?); Neal Haddaway and Michael Gusenbauer (A broken system – why literature searching needs a FAIR revolution);… Read More

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